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Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Electronic Trade

E-commerce, commonly known as the electrical trade is the buying and selling goods on the Internet. Sometimes the term refers to several things, not only selling and buying products online. The entire online ordering process (development, marketing, procurement, maintenance, etc.) can be classified as e-commerce, as well. The advancement of technology is the easy commerce between consumers and businesses to implement.

Electronic payment, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange are a few ways that e-commerce has proven successful.

Most large supermarket chains are now available online, and this usually means that most items purchased, plus shipping.

Company that the exchange of goods or services between them is known as b2b ecommerce or another description is business to business. This usually consists of commodity exchanges and private marketplaces. Trade between businesses and consumers is known as business to consumer. Online shopping is a good example of business to bus

Electronic commerce is not only consists of monetary transaction. May include technical documentation, logistics, domestic and international payment systems, instant messaging, newsgroups, online support, telecommuting, online banking, purchasing group, enterprise content management, and much more.

Federal Trade Commission regulates most of the e-commerce activities. For this, use e-mail, privacy and online advertising. E-commerce has increased the prices of the competition between markets and retailers. Economists are noting the drastic change in some financial sectors as a result of this.

Now easier to trade if you know how to trade. Keep easy on internet

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Plastic Extrusion Machinery

Plastic extrusions are made with a process known as plastic by extrusion. Plastic Extrusion Equipment is a manufacturing process in raw materials are melted plastic and then formed into a continuous profile. Plastic extrusion produces all kinds of different components and is particularly useful for the manufacture of windows an door frames, pipes, tubes, and caulking.

Plastic extrusion in different forms, the first thermoplastic resin which in the extrusion and in the form of beads are loaded into a gravity feed chute is mounted on the upper face of a cylinder of extrusion. UV inhibitors, and additives such as dyes often are mixed in resin before being loaded into the hopper.

The screw force of the resin or plastic beads along the drum which is heated to the desired temperature, which can vary from 200 ° C to about 275 degrees Celsius. The temperature is greater than the length of the drum, so that the grain to move along the increase in temperature. This gradual warming of the resin to melt can be more uniform is gradually forced along the barrel and with the risk of overhea, which in turn, the polymer may fail. Fans are used to maintain the temperature of the container to reduce, if too much heat is generated.

The plastic material leaves the screw in the bow of the vessel and passes through a screen pack and to remove contaminants that may be present in the molten plastic. When the plastic melt is passed through the switch, which plate in a mold. The nut gives the final product shape or profile, and must be designed uniformly molten plastic resulting from a cylindrical profile, the profile shape of the final products. If you have a home-based business, you can not possibly compete with the big companies out there selling similar products. Therefore, the new species is required to do business online that you can plug-in and are on social sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and StumbleUpon, among other things active. One of the best ways to make the process of interaction with people in social networks, to create a self-hosted Wordpress blog with social plug-ins that work the social networks every time your blog with new and unique content automate updates to make. As Bill Gates said: "Content is king" he was right. Your content on your site will be the determining factor in deciding whether your customers and prospects to do business with you in the future. Do you communicate in video, a unique social interaction

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Rekening Paypal

Apa itu Rekening PayPal? Rekening PayPal adalah Rekening Bank Internet. Rekening yang digunakan oleh para pengguna internet. Fungsinya sama seperti Rekening Bank Bca, Mandiri, BNI dll. Bedanya Hanya melalui internet saja,di paypal kita bisa menerima pembayaran dari manapun lewat rekening paypal yang kita miliki.

Sekarang waktunya Membuat Rekening PayPal.
Caranya gampang dan Gratis kok...!
Klik link membuat rekening PayPal

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Panduan Bisnis Online Paling Mudah

Memulai bisnis online tidaklah sulit caranya dengan mengikuti Bisnis PTC ( Paid To Click ) yaitu kita di bayar jika kita melakukan klik iklan dari pemilik produk. Dengan hanya melakukan klik iklan yang disediakan maka kita bisa mendapatkan komisi antara Rp 100 sampai dengan Rp 150.

Program PTC ini cara mendaftarnya gratis. diantara PTC yang ada di Indonesia antara lain :

Sekarang jadi mudahkan memulai bisnis di internet, daftarnya gratis duitnya mengalir terus.

Selamat mencoba

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Arisan 10rb an, PASTI UNTUNGNYA

Ayo... Segera Dapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan dari Internet Hanya Dengan Modal 10 Ribu Rupiah...

Untuk sementara lupakan investasi 100ribu, 200ribu, bahkan lebih yang sampai sekarang belum mendatangkan keuntungan uang buat anda ...

Kalau yang ini modal 10 rb dan pasti mudah untuk mendatangkan keuntungan...gak mau coba? atau cuma mau lihat orang lain sukses duluan....?

Buruan gabung disini

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Daftar Email dapat Duit

satu hal lagi yang bisa mendatangkan uang kepada anda, caranya mudah cukup dengan
daftarin email kamu...karena setiap email yang kamu daftarin akan dihargai $5,
lumayan bukan...buruan daftarin email kamu. gratis

Sambil menunggu postingan ataupun website kamu menghasilkan uang langsung aja daftarin email kamu

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010


Bagi anda yang sudah biasa mendapatkan uang dari PTC bisa nyoba juga dengan program PTR ( Paid To Read ) yaitu program dimna kalo kita membaca artikelnya kita bisa mendapatkan duit.

Baca Artikel dibayar dollar, caranya begini baca artikelnya kemudian nilai artikelnya dengan menandai bintang dibawah artikel.

Nih Websitenya

sembari menunggu postingan kita , bisa baca artikel gratis plus dapet duit ...MAU?